Monday, May 18, 2009

No More Excuses. No More Lung Cancer.

There's no question that millions of lung cancer patients have died because of smoking.
But it's also true that over 50 % of the people now being diagnosed with lung cancer are non-smokers or former smokers.
In spite of this, the stigma of smoking is still so great that lung cancer is under-funded, under-researched, and generally ignored by Congress.
Even though lung cancer kills more people than breast, prostate, colon, liver, melanoma, and kidney cancer.
It's time to end this.
It's time to treat lung cancer research with the same urgency that we bring to every other major cancer.
Because the most lethal cancer in the country can no longer be hidden behind a smoke screen.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome!

Anonymous said...

We have to give a voice to all those who did not get a voice!!!

Ann B Smith said...

Great blog! Thanks for all your efforts. I'm posting this to my Facebook profile. As one of those never-smokers, I appreciate being "visible" for a change! Go, team Rexanna!